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Physical Therapy in Covington

We offer an in-house physical therapy department at Tipton County Integrated Medicine. This is designed to help our chiropractic patients recover more quickly from their chiropractic problems and injuries by assisting the adjustment with the physical therapy modality.

Who Can Benefit From Physical Therapy?

Woman receiving therapy

Our physical therapy services enhance the work of chiropractic care

We offer physical therapy as a rehabilitation service for our chiropractic patients, but you don’t need to be a chiropractic patient for us to help you and for you to benefit.

We offer physical therapy to:

  • Sports Injury patients
  • Children in recreation league ball
  • High school athletes
  • Workers comp patients so they can get back to work as fast as possible
  • Auto accident patients
  • Anyone suffering from an injury that needs rehabilitation care

Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Go Hand-in-Hand

Chiropractic is what corrects the spinal injury, subluxation or nerve damage our patients experience.

Physical therapy strengthens the area around the adjustment and helps to hold it stable for longer. This allows for healing between chiropractic visits. It helps prevent nagging pains from injuries becoming chronic.

Ultimately, physical therapy helps to enhance and better stabilize what we are trying to do with chiropractic care.

Contact us today for a consultation to see how chiropractic care or physical therapy can help you.

Physical Therapy in Covington | (901) 475-1100